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See what Consultant can provide for your Company
Thinking About Selling Your Business?
- Are you a successful business owner looking to retire?
- Are you burnt out and looking for an exit?
- Do you know that it will likely take you a year or more to prepare your business for sale, take it to market and consummate a transaction?
- Do you know what your business is worth and how to position it for sale at the highest price?
- If you’re thinking about selling and wish to reap the greatest reward, you should start preparing now...
The Interview (First Meeting)
- Identify goals and objectives.
- Go over the business sales process.
- Dig deep into your company so we can properly value your business.
Valuing Your Business
- Our evaluation goes beyond the simple multiple of earnings method.
- The buyer will want to have confidence that the revenues generated will continue post acquisition.
- Your company’s value drivers, risk factors and synergies will help us identify strategic buyers and position your company to sell for the highest value.
Preparing the Business for Sale
- Prior to launch we discuss the likely due diligence requirements a buyer will have.
- We need to ensure that all financial data is unambiguous and easily verified.
- Have answers prepared for all of the core questions a buyer might have.
Searching for Buyers
- We spend thousands of dollars per year marketing to external sites to generate buyer interest.
- We have 15,000+ buyers in our proprietary database.
- When we launch a listing, everyone in that database who is searching for your type of business will get a teaser information sent to them.
- We take the time to search for private equity and strategic buyers for your business
Negotiating the Deal
- The two key deal terms are price and risk.
- he more risk assumed the more favorable the price.
- If the buyer is a good fit, we’ll get the terms ironed out.
- If the buyer is not a good fit, the deal will likely fall out.
- Matching the right buyer with the right business is how we define success.
Due Diligence
- If you have all of your books and records in order, this process can go fairly quickly.
- If not, the process can drag out months and ultimately not be consummated.
- Third party lenders will also need to perform their own due diligence on both the buyer and the business.
Drafting the Contract
- Good transactions attorneys keep the negotiations moving forward efficiently.
- They customize contracts to limit vagueness and ambiguity.
- This investment can be thought of as an insurance to reduce risk of litigation post-closing.
- At the close, the business assets are transferred and the down payment will be wired to your account.
- Post-closing, there will be a transition period, training, possible consulting and then a release of any hold backs for tax liens or indemnifications.
- Celebrations!